How To Be Productive At Home In 2020

December 3, 2020

When the days drag on and blend into one indistinguishable mess, and we fall victim to the instant gratification that the internet provides, it seems like every menial task becomes an incredible feat. I lost 10 pounds while bedridden with depression, and I had to make a change- several in fact. My appetite was completely gone and I felt like a lazy bum! Please let me share my experience with you, so that you may mimic my transformation into the best version of myself. All while stuck at home in the midst of a global pandemic.

Replenishing Our energy

The first step was probably the only step I knew to take. Move my body! We are slaves to inertia and it really did not matter what activity I took on, so long as I wasn’t sitting absolutely still. Just a little bit of exercise would serve as the spark I needed to get off my butt. At least it would build up some sort of appetite to stop the downward spiral. I personally dove headfirst into CrossFit, though I recognize that was pretty extreme… It was definitely not the only option I had available, nor necessarily the best one to take.

The bottom line is that to get your body moving and generating the energy required to get through the day, you only need 10 minutes. If you need to take that first step, why not take a look at my post here to get started?

Once we become couch potatoes with some semblance of energy, it is important we build ourselves from the ground up. Start with the basics: dishes and laundry. If you can see your bedroom floor and the bottom of your kitchen sink, then give yourself around of applause. You are already miles ahead of where I was in April of 2020. If you have related at all to me yet, then you deserve praise for how far you have come.

How to use our energy correctly

Without structure, your energy will go to waste. I guarantee it! I cannot tell you how many times I have felt phenomenal, flowing with a ton energy and rode that high laying down on my couch while scrolling through Instagram. Eventually the anxiety of a wasted day would consume me like it probably does you.

Here is my suggestion and that of the most successful entrepreneurs. Wake up considerably earlier than you ‘go to work’ or start the routine you are used to. Use this time to take care of your to-do list and treat yourself. Treating yourself typically means indulging in something peaceful like meditation or morning coffee. I learned this from reading “The Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod, which I highly recommend. I personally wake up at 5am and have been doing so for the past few months. Life is a lot different when you wake up excited to do stuff, rather than dreading an old routine or job you’ve learned to associate with your own depression.

The Ideal Morning Routine

My morning routine consists of having a protein shake, a quick workout, some work on my blog, a quick chore or two, brief meditation, and breakfast. By the time I clock into work at 8am, I have completed almost everything I want to do that day. I know that once I clock out of work, that is IT! I am DONE! Anything else I do is bonus, and I can enjoy my own free time without guilt or anxiety.

Does this work for everyone? Probably not. It works for me and it works for people with a TON more money than me, but we are all unique. My point is that if you do not have a set time where you can just get a few things done, life will run you over. After a long day of work, I personally do not have the energy for chores, but I do have an infinite supply of guilt and anxiety for all the productive activities I could do instead. The morning is when I have the strength to get it all done… And I love coasting on that feeling of accomplishment for the remainder of the day. Here’s a more scientific way of explaining it.

It’s annoying, but this is what you need to stay productive in 2020 and beyond

I hate to sound like any other cliché you may find on the Internet, but that’s it. Just develop some energy, and then do the thing. I’ve provided you with the easiest, best way to build said energy and discipline to become productive: dedicate 0.7% of your day to exercise (10 minutes) and set some time to be productive rather than distracted. I’ve told you the best time to do this: when everyone else is asleep and you have not been fatigued by work or anxiety and guilt. Let’s go, aspiring Healthy Couch Potatoes! 2020 may have not been your year, but there’s a new year right around the corner… but don’t wait for it! The time to get started is right now.


Still need help? I recommend reading The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins- especially if your biggest obstacle is now getting up early. If you thought I sounded bleak describing my depression, then you won’t know what hit you!

Now that you know how to be productive, I recommend getting into the best shape of your life! I guarantee you will pass your perceived limits personally and professionally when your physical health grows. You can start with this article.


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  • recep ivedik December 10, 2020 at 8:28 am

    Very neat blog article. Really thank you! Fantastic. Lara Dewey Freddie

    • healthycouchpotatoes December 12, 2020 at 1:09 am

      Thank you, I’m so glad you enjoyed it! -Zack

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