The 4 BEST Exercises to free yourself from incessant Back and Joint pain in 2021

November 15, 2020

As couch potatoes, we naturally end up in uncomfortable positions throughout the day. This will inevitably lead to poor posture and become detrimental to our health over time… If we don’t act on it! It is essential that we utilize proper stretches and exercises to neutralize our aches and pains and sustain our lifestyle for the long term! Below, you will find the 4 best exercise programs designed to do just that in 2020. Let’s ditch the expensive pain-relieving pills and invest in quick, easy exercises to sustain ourselves naturally! (Links provided)

Disclaimer: All of the featured products are for sale only on their respective websites (links provided). They also have their own 60 day money back guarantee. If you have serious medical conditions, you should consult a medical professional before using these products.

1) Back To Life – Review

You may have guessed from the name- this product is focused on sustaining a healthy back.

You may have guessed from the name- this product is focused on sustaining a healthy back. This 3-phase program is designed to aid natural body alignment. It is touted as an extremely easy and simple 10 minute exercise that can be completed daily. It is derived from yoga and made extremely accessible by use of instructional videos. Most users experience noticeable results within just a few days!

The benefits to aligning your back are numerous and cannot be understated. Here are some key benefits:

  • Stress Relief via the elimination of built of lactic acid and reduction of cortisol (stress hormone) levels
  • Boosted Energy Levels via healthy blood circulation and higher quality of flexibility. This also leads to natural weight loss due to healthy circulation, as a biproduct of light exercise
  • Better Moods! In general, chronic back pain (or any chronic pain) can lead to lower serotonin (dubbed the ‘happy hormone’). This is consequentially a great way to resolve this problem
  • Increased Strength – Surprisingly, just with increased functionality and flexibility, as well as light daily exercise, you will find yourself stronger throughout your body. A properly functioning body is stronger then a misfunctioning body

2) Feel Good Knees – Review

Designed by a trained nurse and fitness instructor, this isometric workout will reduce your knee pain and keep your knees healthy and strong for the long-term.

I know I am not alone in complaining about my knees for what seems like forever. This exercise program is a 5 minute routine that will take roughly 6 weeks to complete. Expect to begin noticing results about 2 weeks in. Designed by a trained nurse and fitness instructor, this isometric workout will reduce your knee pain and keep your knees healthy and strong for the long-term.

Feel Good Knees does not offer anything particularly revolutionary- just tried and true methods of physical therapy. Our knees will be kept happy with an incredibly simple routine that takes just 5 minutes per day. Additionally, the program comes with explanations of each exercise and its benefits. There are video tutorials and an easy method to track your progress. Take a peek at this article from Everyday Health for some factors that put us at risk of knee pain.

3) Unlock Your Hip Flexors Review

 If you are relatively inactive and can relate to sitting down all day in a computer chair, then this will likely have a huge impact on your day to day joint and back pains, and give a sizeable energy boost since you won't have your muscles working against you and keeping you perpetually tensed up.

A consequence of the ‘living at home’ lifestyle is that we end up sitting for the majority of our time awake. This results in a tight psoas muscle (primary hip muscle). This tightness contributes to a host of issues from poor flexibility, sluggishness, poor sleep, all the way to digestive issues. Likewise, loosening up your hip flexors will play a large part in remedying a lot of these problems.

Unlock Your Hip Flexors is an exercise program that takes between 10-15 minutes to complete daily (10 exercises are included in the routine). If you are relatively inactive and can relate to sitting down all day in a computer chair, then this will likely have a huge impact on your day to day joint and back pains, and give a sizeable energy boost since you won’t have your muscles working against you and keeping you perpetually tensed up.

4) My Back pain Coach (AKA “Back Pain Relief 4 Life”) – Review

If you suffer from more intense back pain, then 'My Back Pain Coach' is for you!

If you suffer from more intense back pain, then this may be more suitable for you than Back to Life (the first product presented on this page). This exercise program is a bit more intense. You will exercise 3 times a day for the first 3 weeks, according to the creator, Ian Hart. Ian lived with his own excruciating back pain for a long time, and built this program based off of what worked for him.

The noteworthy advantages of this program are the excellent delivery of the material. It is basically a 90 minute course, full of detailed explanation, and accompanied by video tutorials for the exercises included.

Note that if you decide to buy this product, you may purchase one or both of the upsells: an extra program that targets Sciatica and Priformis and/or an extra program that targets us who sit all day long. If you have an appreciation for a very thorough program and are sick of chronic back pain, then you will definitely enjoy this.

Afterthought: No more pain!

If you find yourself more concerned with building muscle, I highly recommend you also read this blog post of mine. My goal is to show you that muscle can be absolutely be built in as short a time as some of the exercises featured in this post. Feel free to combine any of these programs with an actual muscle-building routine! As long as you aren’t putting too much of a strain on a particular muscle group within 2 or 3 days, this can be extremely healthy and bring excellent results. I can’t wait to hear how good you feel!


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