you need to try the Best Keto Diets of 2021

November 29, 2020

Starting a new diet takes a ton of knowledge and planning! …Or does it? I have personally taken numerous nutrition courses in college, and spent upwards of 100 hours researching many facets of diets. I’ve learned of macronutrients, micronutrients, body types, etc. and continue learn everyday. You do not have to take that route! For you aspiring Healthy Couch Potatoes, I welcome you to take a look at the amazing keto diets below. You will find that stand out as complete programs all on their lonesome!

If you do not know what a Keto diet is, let me explain. It vastly lowers the intake of carbs so that your body is forced to produce energy by burning stored fats. The main benefit is, of course dropping a ton of fat. That said, it has been shown to have numerous beneficial side-effects when done correctly. To learn more about what a Keto diet is, I recommend reading over this article from Harvard Medical Review.

Disclaimer: The products below both offer 60 day money back guarantees. You should also consult your doctor if you have any severe medical conditions before dedicating yourself to a new diet.

28 Day Keto Challenge Review

Complete with 38 simple, exciting recipes (10 breakfast, 14 lunch, 14 dinner), as well as an easy-to-follow plan to get through the 28 day hurdle, this program practically puts success in your hands.

Scientists agree it takes approximately 28 days to build a habit. The first few days easily pass on the high of motivation, but most people fail around the second week. This is when motivation dies and discipline has to take over. Luckily, there are many tools to help us form healthier habits, and the 28 Day Keto Challenge does a phenomenal job of addressing pretty much all of them! Complete with 38 simple, exciting recipes (10 breakfast, 14 lunch, 14 dinner), as well as an easy-to-follow plan to get through the 28 day hurdle, this program practically puts success in your hands. This is the correct way to start your keto diet journey!

It can be excruciating to maintain discipline when we get side-tracked with obstacles. With diets, this can be trying to figure out how to make recipes, understand difficult ingredients, understand nutrition, etc. This plan is extra special because it helps beginners hit the ground running. No paralysis by analysis or need for expansive knowledge of keto. Just go for it and start losing weight!

Custom Keto Diet Review

If you are looking for a more rigid program to tell you exactly what to eat as you dive into the keto diet, then this what you are looking for.

If you are looking for a more rigid program to tell you exactly what to eat as you dive into the keto diet, then this what you are looking for. The Custom Keto Diet will keep you on course for 8 weeks. If you are trying to get yourself in better physical shape or just drop weight quickly, there’s really nothing better as far as diets go. Every recipe is laid out for you in a simple manner that anybody can follow. The Custom Keto Diet will hold your hand long after your good habits have been made and afterwards, you’ll have no trouble continuing on. In fact, I bet you’ll be wanting to spice up your diet by then and so I recommend reading on below for my last recommendation on this list.

Keto Breads Review

Ahh bread, our best friend yet worst enemy. My family struggles in their attempt to exclude it from literally any meal, and I’ve watched them put on the pounds for it. Bread is addicting because it contains gluteomorphins, which as you may have guessed activate opioid receptors in our brain… And of course it’s freaking delicious. Bread leads to a host of issues- particularly spiking one’s blood sugar levels outrageously. If you are reading this, then you probably already know this, so let me introduce Keto Breads.

The basic idea of Keto Breads is that you can replace all the usual unhealthy breads with delicious, simple, healthy alternatives. It isn’t just bread loafs either! Keto Breads offers recipes for flatbreads, breakfast breads, rolls and buns, crackers, crusts, and more. There are a TON to choose from, as well as a guide on which to choose depending on your needs help you avoid getting overwhelmed.

I recommend this product to those who just want to slowly dip their feet into Keto, rather than jump in head first. Maybe you just want to know if trying out bread substitutions is something you can handle before you commit. Conversely, I also think this product is absolutely perfect for those already in love with their keto diet and looking to spice it up with new recipes and substitutions.

Afterthought: Perhaps Keto Diets are not for you?

Want to dive into a different kind of diet? Why not challenge yourself and go vegan! I’ve got everything worked out for you on this post here.


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