Everything You Need To Know About Protein To Stay Healthy 2020

December 13, 2020

More protein! That’s all that comes to mind when I hear the word. If you’ve ever attempted to gain muscle, you probably have the same automated reaction. Proteins are chains of amino acids that our bodies breakdown and re-organize to suit our needs- and there are tons of needs that protein is responsible for. We use it to build, rebuild, and maintain tissues. We utilize them for biochemical reactions (enzymes are proteins) in digestion, energy production, and muscle contractions. Some proteins are hormones, and others help with structure and strength of organs, maintain healthy pH levels throughout our body, and the list just goes on and on. For a deeper understanding, take a look at this article (or commit yourself to biochemistry courses in college). We Healthy Couch Potatoes need protein, so learn the best sources, and how to have healthy consumption of it.

The Best sources of protein

Amino acids

As previously stated, proteins are chains of amino acids which our body breaks down and uses as needed. There are 20 amino acids, which are broken up into 3 groups: non-essentials (5), conditionally essentials (6), and essentials (9). The reasoning for these categories is that our body is capable of producing the non-essentials regardless of our diet. Under most normal diets, the same goes for the conditionally essential. Funny enough, for these 11 amino acids, our bodies are the best source of protein! For the purpose of simplicity, we will only be discussing the 9 essential amino acids because these are the ones you will have to be conscious of to stay healthy.

Foods that contain all 9 essential amino acids are aptly titled “complete proteins”. Most of you reading this will be happy to know that complete protein sources include most meats, eggs, and dairy products. If you are vegan, then it is crucial that you find sources of complete proteins. The main vegan sources are soy, quinoa, and buckwheat. Be aware that plant products are less protein-dense than meats, so you may have difficulty consuming enough. I highly recommend finding protein supplements if you are having trouble including it in your vegan diet. Note: be extremely cautious with soy products. They have estrogenic properties and irresponsible consumption can be catastrophic to your hormonal health- male or female. Soy protein isolate is a safe way to get said some and included in many vegan supplements.

Consume a balanced diet of proteins

As long as you are getting complete protein, you could eat the same meal over and over, right? Well… Studies show that consuming meats for protein leads to inflammation and overworks our kidneys. Oddly enough, this does not occur from plant-based protein. Armed with this knowledge, we should strive to be diverse in our intake.

The most nutritious diet would likely feature poultry, salmon, tofu, and supplements. Red meats should generally be avoided, and cold-water fish is great for getting your Omega 3 fatty acids. Take a look at my post about fats if you’d like more insight into determining the best sources of protein. It is vital that you understand how all 3 macronutrients: carbs, proteins, and fats all work together when building your own diet.

How much protein should we ingest to maintain health?

Protein requirements are generally based on a minimum to avoid going into a state of nitrogen loss. Nitrogen loss refers to our bodies deteriorating in protein tissue and is associated with starvation, severe illness, and immobility. Assuming that all readers are at least 14 years of age, females should consume 46 grams of protein minimum, and 56 for men. If you are pregnant or very athletic, you will need more and our quantity needs generally increase with age.

If you are attempting to build muscle, then you should consume as much as one gram of protein per desired pound of weight. Eg. if your desired overall weight is 150 pounds, you should consume 150 grams daily. Wait at least 3 days after you stop working out to reduce your protein intake. This is when your muscles are done recovering, and you don’t have to worry about losing gains. I will definitely have future post(s) related to achieving large amounts of protein intake and optimizing one’s diet for muscle growth. I promise to add a link here once they are ready. Alright aspiring Healthy Couch Potatoes… More protein!


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